Sunday, January 20, 2008

3 pm on a friday--haunting an old stomping ground

one of the main reasons no student likes to leave their collegiate bubble is that s/he often realizes that whatever rules they play by at school aren't necessarily the ones their old zip code abide. this is only one of many reasons i'm not a fan of my suburban new jersey town, but this was the one that had me dreading returning to my old high school to pick up my sister.

unfortunately, i had good reason. every unoriginal girl who sported Ugg boots and teal Juicy tracksuits from That Clique in my grade has apparently been replaced by girls who find their calling in "edgy" hooded sweatshirts (i.e. black + roses and skulls) and leggings as pants. 

i watched as they flocked into closed circles to compare text messages for approx. three minutes before i gave up and fled to starbucks. i was sure that i'd find solace in enough cinnamon-sprinkled foam to make myself forget what i had seen, but i was sadly mistaken-- there was a line out the door of legging-clad girls from the middle school.

to aspiring sienna millers everywhere-- i judge you. because you fail.


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